About Us


headshotKristine Davison Allcroft earned her PhD from the Fielding Graduate Institute’s Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Health Psychology. Her dissertation research investigated remarkable recovery and long-term remission from advanced colon cancer. In addition, Kristine is a student of the East West School of Herbology, a student of T’ai Chi. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Comparative Religious Studies and her Master of Arts Degree in Psychology. She is a Certified Nurses Aid and holds a Black Belt in Tung Soo Do Karate.



Disclaimer:  The Body Works! Neuromuscular Re-education, LLC services do not replace medical, chiropractic, or psychotherapeutic interventions from licensed practitioners.  The Body Works! Neuromuscular Re-education, LLC services are designed to be a health aid and in no way take the place of standard medical, chiropractic, or psychological services when they are indicated. The information The Body Works! Neuromuscular Reeducation, LLC provides in this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a health care professional. It should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or construed as a prescription of a medication or other treatment.  We cannot and do not claim that the products and services we offer will prevent, cure, treat or diagnose a disease in humans or animals. Natural healing is inherently unpredictable, and results will vary widely.